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Reflective Foam Core Signs - CheapCheap™
Add custom, full color prints on Reflective Vinyl to a foam core backing to make a rigid sign that can stand in a window or on an easel. This is one of the cheaper ways to get an adhesive backed vinyl print to become rigid. The sign is not waterproof due to the foam core. But our inks are UV safe your print is in high resolution.

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Reflective Products:

Reflective Vinyl Stickers              Reflective Aluminum Signs              Reflective Coroplast Signs              Reflective Foam Core Signs

Reflective GatorFoam Signs                Reflective PVC Signs                Reflective Car Magnets               

Reflective 3/16" Foamcore Signs - Printed One Side
If your indoor signage needs extra visibility after hours, Foamcore is an affordable and lightweight
solution when combined with Reflective Vinyl graphics. Shrink page by depressing the "CTRL" key
and clicking the "-" key simultaneously.
Maximum size 48" x 96" (store pickup or courrier for size over 46" x 38")
Usage: Indoor Expand page by depressing the "CTRL" key
UV safe and clicking the "+" key simultaneously.
3/16" Foamcore + 4 mil. Gloss Permanent Adhesive + Matching Gloss Lamination
Size Quantity   Size       Size       Size
(ft) 1 2 5 (ft) 10 20 25 (ft) 30 40 50 (ft)
2x1 $36 $51 $98 2x1 $189 $347 $427 2x1 $518 $680 $843 2x1 GROUP SHIPPING - YES!
3x1 $43 $67 $137 3x1 $268 $506 $625 3x1 $761 $1,005 $1,249 3x1 Different art files that are the
1.5x2 $43 $67 $137 1.5x2 $268 $506 $625 1.5x2 $761 $1,005 $1,249 1.5x2 same size qualify for group shipping.
4x1 $51 $82 $176 4x1 $347 $664 $823 4x1 $1,005 $1,330 $1,655 4x1 Contact us by chat below or
2x2 $51 $82 $176 2x2 $347 $664 $823 2x2 $1,005 $1,330 $1,655 2x2 call us at 216.227.8521 or email us
6x1 $67 $114 $254 6x1 $506 $982 $1,220 6x1 $1,493 $1,980 $2,468 6x1 at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
3x2 $67 $114 $254 3x2 $506 $982 $1,220 3x2 $1,493 $1,980 $2,468 3x2
4x2 $85 $150 $345 4x2 $670 $1,320 $1,645 4x2 $1,970 $2,620 $3,270 4x2 QUANTITY DISCOUNT - YES!
3x3 $93 $166 $386 3x3 $751 $1,483 $1,848 3x3 $2,214 $2,945 $3,676 3x3 For each unique art file of the same
5x2 $101 $183 $426 5x2 $833 $1,645 $2,051 5x2 $2,458 $3,270 $4,083 5x2 size after the first, add $5 to your
6x2 $118 $215 $508 6x2 $995 $1,970 $2,458 6x2 $2,945 $3,920 $4,895 6x2 total and use the total quantity of
4x3 $118 $215 $508 4x3 $995 $1,970 $2,458 4x3 $2,945 $3,920 $4,895 4x3 that size to arrive at your quantity
5x3 $142 $264 $629 5x3 $1,239 $2,458 $3,067 5x3 $3,676 $4,895 $6,114 5x3 price.      
4x4 $150 $280 $670 4x4 $1,320 $2,620 $3,270 4x4 $3,920 $5,220 $6,520 4x4
5x4 $183 $345 $833 5x4 $1,645 $3,270 $4,083 5x4 $4,895 $6,520 $8,145 5x4 So if you get 5 different prints of
7x3 $191 $361 $873 7x3 $1,726 $3,433 $4,286 7x3 $5,139 $6,845 $8,551 7x3 the same size, use the quantity 5
8x4 $280 $540 $1,320 8x4 $2,620 $5,220 $6,520 8x4 $7,820 $10,420 $13,020 8x4 price and add $20.  
Reflective 3/16" Foamcore Signs - Printed Two Sides
If your indoor signage needs extra visibility after hours, Foamcore is an affordable and lightweight
solution when combined with Reflective Vinyl graphics. Shrink page by depressing the "CTRL" key
Maximum size 48" x 96" (store pickup or courrier for size over 46" x 38") and clicking the "-" key simultaneously.
Usage: Indoor
UV safe Expand page by depressing the "CTRL" key
3/16" Foamcore + 4 mil. Gloss Permanent Adhesive + Matching Gloss Lamination and clicking the "+" key simultaneously.
Size Quantity   Size       Size       Size
(ft) 1 2 5 (ft) 10 20 25 (ft) 30 40 50 (ft)
2x1 $48 $75 $158 2x1 $311 $591 $732 2x1 $893 $1,180 $1,468 2x1 GROUP SHIPPING - YES!
3x1 $61 $103 $227 3x1 $451 $872 $1,082 3x1 $1,324 $1,755 $2,186 3x1 Different art files that are the
1.5x2 $61 $103 $227 1.5x2 $451 $872 $1,082 1.5x2 $1,324 $1,755 $2,186 1.5x2 same size qualify for group shipping.
4x1 $75 $130 $296 4x1 $591 $1,152 $1,433 4x1 $1,755 $2,330 $2,905 4x1 Contact us by chat below or
2x2 $75 $130 $296 2x2 $591 $1,152 $1,433 2x2 $1,755 $2,330 $2,905 2x2 call us at 216.227.8521 or email us
6x1 $103 $186 $434 6x1 $872 $1,714 $2,135 6x1 $2,618 $3,480 $4,343 6x1 at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
3x2 $103 $186 $434 3x2 $872 $1,714 $2,135 3x2 $2,618 $3,480 $4,343 3x2
4x2 $135 $250 $595 4x2 $1,170 $2,320 $2,895 4x2 $3,470 $4,620 $5,770 4x2 QUANTITY DISCOUNT - YES!
3x3 $149 $279 $667 3x3 $1,314 $2,608 $3,254 3x3 $3,901 $5,195 $6,489 3x3 For each unique art file of the same
5x2 $164 $308 $739 5x2 $1,458 $2,895 $3,614 5x2 $4,333 $5,770 $7,208 5x2 size after the first, add $5 to your
6x2 $193 $365 $883 6x2 $1,745 $3,470 $4,333 6x2 $5,195 $6,920 $8,645 6x2 total and use the total quantity of
4x3 $193 $365 $883 4x3 $1,745 $3,470 $4,333 4x3 $5,195 $6,920 $8,645 4x3 that size to arrive at your quantity
5x3 $236 $451 $1,098 5x3 $2,176 $4,333 $5,411 5x3 $6,489 $8,645 $10,801 5x3 price.      
4x4 $250 $480 $1,170 4x4 $2,320 $4,620 $5,770 4x4 $6,920 $9,220 $11,520 4x4
5x4 $308 $595 $1,458 5x4 $2,895 $5,770 $7,208 5x4 $8,645 $11,520 $14,395 5x4 So if you get 5 different prints of
7x3 $322 $624 $1,529 7x3 $3,039 $6,058 $7,567 7x3 $9,076 $12,095 $15,114 7x3 the same size, use the quantity 5
8x4 $480 $940 $2,320 8x4 $4,620 $9,220 $11,520 8x4 $13,820 $18,420 $23,020 8x4 price and add $20.  
Reflective 3/8" Foamcore Signs - Printed One Side
If your indoor signage needs extra visibility after hours, Foamcore is an affordable and lightweight
solution when combined with Reflective Vinyl graphics. Shrink page by depressing the "CTRL" key
Maximum size 48" x 96" (store pickup or courrier for size over 46" x 38") and clicking the "-" key simultaneously.
Usage: Indoor
UV safe Expand page by depressing the "CTRL" key
3/16" Foamcore + 4 mil. Gloss Permanent Adhesive + Matching Gloss Lamination and clicking the "+" key simultaneously.
Size Quantity   Size       Size       Size
(ft) 1 2 5 (ft) 10 20 25 (ft) 30 40 50 (ft)
2x1 $44 $68 $140 2x1 $274 $518 $640 2x1 $780 $1,030 $1,280 2x1 GROUP SHIPPING - YES!
3x1 $56 $92 $200 3x1 $396 $762 $945 3x1 $1,155 $1,530 $1,905 3x1 Different art files that are the
1.5x2 $56 $92 $200 1.5x2 $396 $762 $945 1.5x2 $1,155 $1,530 $1,905 1.5x2 same size qualify for group shipping.
4x1 $68 $116 $260 4x1 $518 $1,006 $1,250 4x1 $1,530 $2,030 $2,530 4x1 Contact us by chat below or
2x2 $68 $116 $260 2x2 $518 $1,006 $1,250 2x2 $1,530 $2,030 $2,530 2x2 call us at 216.227.8521 or email us
6x1 $92 $164 $380 6x1 $762 $1,494 $1,860 6x1 $2,280 $3,030 $3,780 6x1 at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
3x2 $92 $164 $380 3x2 $762 $1,494 $1,860 3x2 $2,280 $3,030 $3,780 3x2
4x2 $120 $220 $520 4x2 $1,020 $2,020 $2,520 4x2 $3,020 $4,020 $5,020 4x2 QUANTITY DISCOUNT - YES!
3x3 $133 $245 $583 3x3 $1,145 $2,270 $2,833 3x3 $3,395 $4,520 $5,645 3x3 For each unique art file of the same
5x2 $145 $270 $645 5x2 $1,270 $2,520 $3,145 5x2 $3,770 $5,020 $6,270 5x2 size after the first, add $5 to your
6x2 $170 $320 $770 6x2 $1,520 $3,020 $3,770 6x2 $4,520 $6,020 $7,520 6x2 total and use the total quantity of
4x3 $170 $320 $770 4x3 $1,520 $3,020 $3,770 4x3 $4,520 $6,020 $7,520 4x3 that size to arrive at your quantity
5x3 $208 $395 $958 5x3 $1,895 $3,770 $4,708 5x3 $5,645 $7,520 $9,395 5x3 price.      
4x4 $220 $420 $1,020 4x4 $2,020 $4,020 $5,020 4x4 $6,020 $8,020 $10,020 4x4
5x4 $270 $520 $1,270 5x4 $2,520 $5,020 $6,270 5x4 $7,520 $10,020 $12,520 5x4 So if you get 5 different prints of
7x3 $283 $545 $1,333 7x3 $2,645 $5,270 $6,583 7x3 $7,895 $10,520 $13,145 7x3 the same size, use the quantity 5
8x4 $420 $820 $2,020 8x4 $4,020 $8,020 $10,020 8x4 $12,020 $16,020 $20,020 8x4 price and add $20.  
Reflective 3/8" Foamcore Signs - Printed Two Sides
If your indoor signage needs extra visibility after hours, Foamcore is an affordable and lightweight
solution when combined with Reflective Vinyl graphics. Shrink page by depressing the "CTRL" key
Maximum size 48" x 96" (store pickup or courrier for size over 46" x 38") and clicking the "-" key simultaneously.
Usage: Indoor
UV safe Expand page by depressing the "CTRL" key
3/16" Foamcore + 4 mil. Gloss Permanent Adhesive + Matching Gloss Lamination and clicking the "+" key simultaneously.
Size Quantity   Size       Size       Size
(ft) 1 2 5 (ft) 10 20 25 (ft) 30 40 50 (ft)
2x1 $58 $97 $212 2x1 $420 $811 $1,006 2x1 $1,230 $1,630 $2,030 2x1 GROUP SHIPPING - YES!
3x1 $78 $135 $308 3x1 $616 $1,201 $1,494 3x1 $1,830 $2,430 $3,030 3x1 Different art files that are the
1.5x2 $78 $135 $308 1.5x2 $616 $1,201 $1,494 1.5x2 $1,830 $2,430 $3,030 1.5x2 same size qualify for group shipping.
4x1 $97 $174 $404 4x1 $811 $1,592 $1,982 4x1 $2,430 $3,230 $4,030 4x1 Contact us by chat below or
2x2 $97 $174 $404 2x2 $811 $1,592 $1,982 2x2 $2,430 $3,230 $4,030 2x2 call us at 216.227.8521 or email us
6x1 $135 $250 $596 6x1 $1,201 $2,372 $2,958 6x1 $3,630 $4,830 $6,030 6x1 at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com
3x2 $135 $250 $596 3x2 $1,201 $2,372 $2,958 3x2 $3,630 $4,830 $6,030 3x2
4x2 $180 $340 $820 4x2 $1,620 $3,220 $4,020 4x2 $4,820 $6,420 $8,020 4x2 QUANTITY DISCOUNT - YES!
3x3 $200 $380 $920 3x3 $1,820 $3,620 $4,520 3x3 $5,420 $7,220 $9,020 3x3 For each unique art file of the same
5x2 $220 $420 $1,020 5x2 $2,020 $4,020 $5,020 5x2 $6,020 $8,020 $10,020 5x2 size after the first, add $5 to your
6x2 $260 $500 $1,220 6x2 $2,420 $4,820 $6,020 6x2 $7,220 $9,620 $12,020 6x2 total and use the total quantity of
4x3 $260 $500 $1,220 4x3 $2,420 $4,820 $6,020 4x3 $7,220 $9,620 $12,020 4x3 that size to arrive at your quantity
5x3 $320 $620 $1,520 5x3 $3,020 $6,020 $7,520 5x3 $9,020 $12,020 $15,020 5x3 price.      
4x4 $340 $660 $1,620 4x4 $3,220 $6,420 $8,020 4x4 $9,620 $12,820 $16,020 4x4
5x4 $420 $820 $2,020 5x4 $4,020 $8,020 $10,020 5x4 $12,020 $16,020 $20,020 5x4 So if you get 5 different prints of
7x3 $440 $860 $2,120 7x3 $4,220 $8,420 $10,520 7x3 $12,620 $16,820 $21,020 7x3 the same size, use the quantity 5
8x4 $660 $1,300 $3,220 8x4 $6,420 $12,820 $16,020 8x4 $19,220 $25,620 $32,020 8x4 price and add $20.